Saturday, 21 July 2012

I N T E R A C T I V E  O B J E C T S

Week One Summary:

First Tutorial

In our first tutorial for DSDN112 we were introduced to our tutors and to the first project for this paper. My tutor is Cornelia in stream B. We briefly spoke about the five senses and how we perceive each one and how they intertwine and work together. We also did some experiments to get us thinking about our own projects, we did a series of two experiments. The first was a device which a student in the previous year created where as you consume a un-identified substance you smell a scent attached to the cup holder which confuses your sense as you smell a sweet aroma but the liquid itself is actually sour as it was lemon juice with red food color to make it look like raspberry and the second experiment was with colored milk to which our perception was that it would be flavored milk but when consumed it was only plain milk with food color which also confused our senses. After the experiments we briefly talked about how our minds and sense trick and confuse us as it seems as one thing but turns out to be another.

For second tutorial we were instructed to bring 5 different objects to express each sense as well as research presidents and inspiration to help us with the project.

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