Sunday, 22 July 2012

A D A P T A B L E  F O R M 

Week One Summary:

Tutorial One

First tutorial of the trimmest for DSDN142, we were introduced to our tutors and the first project. We then did a small exercise t get us thinking about perimeters and instructing. We wrote instructions on an a4 paper and then exchanged it with the person sitting across us to see whether from our instructions they could contract what we were thinking. Then we went on to to see some precedents to start to generate ideas and think about what were going to do and just get inspirations. 

My three favorite were:

-, I liked this one because it is so interactive and you can do so much whilst interacting with the fur ball, its interesting and you can play with the interactions for ages, very well made

-, I like this one because its humorous and I thought it was a very well thoughtout sketch, the head movies where the mouse moves, not as interactive as the other sketches but its still fun and entertaining.

-, this one is sketch is quite interesting as when you click anywhere on the screen it starts to build the sketch form there but at every click it starts off with a different setting which makes it quite interesting. 

Lecture One

In our first lecture for DSDN142 we were introduced to the first project and shown example to get us thinking along the right tracks, we then did a exercise where we would draw one form of a shape and then change its perimeters as Angela requested, was quite fun and interesting which introduced us to the next tutorial. 

Exercise from lecture One

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