Sunday, 14 October 2012

N A V I G A T I O N  I N T E R F A C E (Part Two)

Week Eleven Summary:

Tutorial Two:

This week I have been brainstorming idea for my video which will best express my application. I want to create a short movie which conveys a story or message as well as expressing my idea. Ive been spending hours on youtube looking for inspiration for this clip.

I found these videos on youtube as inspiration:

I chose this particular video clip as I liked the idea of a bunch of hooligans walking around causing havoc. I could apply this to my clip by having a group of thieves that need to get to MC101 but when they call meet up and create a plan to convey they realize they have no idea how to get there. One sees a advertisement for "VICNAV" and then downloads the app for his iPhone to go on his mission.

I liked this clip as it was video'd in first person and looked effect and thought it could be a good idea for my clip as it could be a fun way to convey my ideas

This video was good to show how I wanted the footage to be when the user is using the interface itself. I want it to be in first person perspective and effectively shows all the aesthetics about the app I have produced.

As I have my initial ideas running through my mind, Im going to produce a story board to expess my idea.

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