Thursday, 23 August 2012

S T R U C T U R E  &  N O I S E 

Final Board 

Individual Boards:

I think I have created an effective series which express structure and noise exploring loops, color gradient and variables.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

S T R U C T U R E  &  N O I S E

Week Three Summary:

Tutorial One:

Today Ive been finalizing my code, I changed my design a little to make it more effective, I played with  layers to create a better field of depth, as well as that I wanted to make my design more effective than just circles just layering over each other, this is what I have come up with so far,

Here is the layering I talked about, circles on top of each other to create a depth of field - this will be my first image for my board, you can clearly see the structure and how the noise will be created.

Here we can see how I have changed more than one variable, I have altered the amount of circles as well as the size of the last circle on each shape to create a more effective overall design. I have set the parameters and chosen where the circles lie on the board.

I think I should have an effective design for friday ready for presentations.

Monday, 20 August 2012

I T E R A C T I V E  D E S I G N

Final Design

I N T E R A C T I V E  D E S I G N

Final Project:

Bhai Vareek
Free Intoxication

Ever wanted to get that insanely fun experience which is only caused by the consumption of alcohol but without the painful procedure which is time consuming, body harming and breaks the bank every time, well now you can with my free intoxication glasses! Try the glasses on to experience something unexpected and trick your sense in to believing your vision is impaired. Complete various activates on the activity box to see how you scratch up on relying with only have of your sight sense. Try them on and experience the unexpected yourself. You will be surprised at how much we depend on this sight to complete easy everyday tasks. Enter another dimension today.

To use this interaction glasses interface must be applied to your face a worn as normal. Once the glasses have been applied to the face and have been removed from the box, flip the box to revel activates on each of the faces. Complete/attempt activates to revel how your sense react in this situation.
Interaction Instructions:
1.)   Stack the square cut outs and in place in order from smallest to largest, then place on the square outlines on the bottom of the box
2.)   Try to write your name on the note pad
3.)   Take a post it note and try to place in the frame drawn
4.)   Try to compete the eye vision test
5.)   Last instruction is to enjoy the experience!

Friday, 17 August 2012

I N T E R A C T I V E  D E S I G N

Week five Summary:

Tutorial Two:

Final tutorial for this project, I have changed my glasses material as the MDF was to think and hard to work with so i have used think balsa wood which is more effect as it also looks very aesthtcially pleasing. I also fixed my lens problem by having an extra layer of crystal glass to stop the jelly from being touched.

For the rest of the tutorial Cornelia went around and talked to everyone and also went over what to hand in and presentations on monday.

This is what I have so far:

Pro-do type glasses I have produced

New material i will be using for the glasses

Over the weekend I just need to finish my activity box and my exhibition write up and Ill be all ready for hand in on Monday !

S T R U C T U R E  &  N O I S E 

Week Two Summary:

Tutorial Two:

Today we started our own codes and started creating our own patterns:

I was looking at gradients and coloring today to apply to my own code;

this is what I created,

The gradient is effective, 

today I also explored loops as well as creating a code where if i changed one aspect of something another would also alter, like if i changed one parameter another would also change.

So far I have created this form;

Just some circles which I have layered over the top corner with different color gradients to create a feild of depth. 

For next tutorial I want to be finalizing my code for presentations in a week for friday. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

S T R U C T U R E  &  N O I S E

Week Two Summary:

Tutorial One:

Today we went through loop tutorials to help us with our pattern for our own projects, there were tasks and then we had to make the code ourselves to create different effects that we could apply to my own design.

here is the outcome of the tasks:

I have learnt some things from this that I will be able to apply to my design to create a effective presentation.

Monday, 13 August 2012

I N T E R A C T I V E  D E S I G N

Week Five Summary:

Tutorial One:

Today I missed class as I fell ill and could not attend, but I kept working on my porject, I have started to construct my glasses from MDF wood, although I came accross a problem with my design, the petroleum jelly was exposed and I will have to think about how I can over come this problem, and also start to think about how I will make the curves that go around the ears.

Other than this I will continue to make my final, and hope to get better soon.

M A K E  & M O D I F I Y 

Final Renders for project one:

81 Models 

Final Model (hero shot - wrapped in ice texture from previous blog post)

Friday, 10 August 2012

I N T E R A C T I V E  D E S I G N

Week Four Summary;

Tutorial Two:

Ive started to make my glasses and my interactive interface. I have chosen to make my final out of wood as I want it to have a nice vintage look and finish to make it look authentic and original. On the activites side of things asked my friend youtube for advice and found this link which I found very interesting and showed me that the effect I want to achieve in fact is achieveable and looks like fun. Here is the link it is a bunch of kids being shown what it is like to feel intoxicated. I have decided for my iteractive box the activites I will have on it will be one where you have to write your name, one where you have to place squares in the outlines of the square, on where you must put a postit in the point drawn and the last activity being a eye test which you attempt to read. From this I think I will able to produce an effective outcome were the person wearing the glasses will experince somthing unexpected.

Today we just worked on our individual work as the tutor talked to us individually asking how we were doing and helping us with developmet.

Here is a drawing I did to show how I am going to construct my glasses and activity box.

I N T E R A C T I V E  D E S I G N

Week Four Summary:

tutorial two:

Today we bought in what we have done so far and presented everything to the class, I bought my prodotype model in which consited of my parents old prescripped glasses with glad wrap and petroleum jelly on te lenses which distorted and obsecured the vision and sight sense and gave a sense of intoxication to the mind.

In class today I experimented with the way I applied the petrolium jelly to the lense, whether I went up and down with my cotton bud or side to side or in a swirl experimenting with what gave the bets effect and most effective effect.

After a lot off applying and cleaning of the lense I came to the conclusion that swirling was the best way to have the jelly applied as when you looked throught the glasses it swirlled your vision which looked most effective.

I have started to think about my physical iteraction as I want to create a box which will have differemt activites on each side to make you realise how your sight is so important and to have fun!

S T R U C T U R E  &  N O I S E

Week One Summary:

Tutorial Two:

Today Ben and Krishna introduced us to loops and we presented our sketches and precedents to the tutors for them to see what we were thinking  of doing and how we are going to present these.

These are my precedents I am going to use for my DSDN142 project two,

I want to use circles as my initial shape for this project as I think it could create effective effects on my final board.

These are my skecthes on how I want my final board to look,

Next tutorial we are going through looping tutorials then start to commence making our own codes for our final presentations.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

M A K E & M O D I F I Y 

Week Four Summary:

Tutorial Two;

Final tutorial for this project, everyone is hectically trying to get everything complete. Today earl went over some more rendering tips with us and then let us get on with our work. I have finely completed my 81 iterations and have my final form. 

As my models were so big i had to create a new file for them so the remaining 36-68 iterations are on this document along with the final, I will merger them all together for the final rendering.


Here is my final iterations a long with my final form, carrying on with the same layout as I would like to use this to present my final render with. You can see that I have been using the taper, twist and bend tool quite a lot as well as the rotate tool to copy forms and create new symmetrical forms. 

F I N A L  F O R M

Here is my final form, after blood sweat and tears, and many long nights! 


I think this model effectively looks good aesthetically and provides a sense of each of my words within the model. 

Flake :

I think my model expresses my word flake through the linear form, with the split lines and coulombs as it links to the straight linear lines on my precedent image, not man curves just mainly straight parallel lines to represent flake. 

Oscillating :

My model expresses oscillating movement from top to bottom as the models twist and tapers from skinny to large it creates a sense of a oscillating movement, as when something oscillates it gains momentum and gets larger and larger, which I think I have achieved with the twist and taper modifiers. 

Brittle :

I feel that my model conveys a sense of brittleness through the thin forms and lines which start at the bottom and make its way up to the top using the push and latice modifiers early in the iterations process. 

Over all I think my model has turned out all right and effectively expresses my word, time to render for presentations on Monday! 

For my renders I have decided to use the ice image I had earlier for the texture and the same layout which I think represent oscillation. 

Texture to use

Layout Style

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

S T R U C T U R E  &  N O I S E

Week One Summary:

Tutorial One:

Today we were formally introduced to the new project by Ben and Krishna, we read over the outlineds again and then as a fun activity we were instructed to jump on the school o fdesign website and download the pattern maker function and create a pattern which is effective visually using our own code, we all came up with some pretty cool designs, mine came out like this,

for next tutorial we were instructed to bring drawings as well as precedents so we can get underway with our coding!

Monday, 6 August 2012

I N T E R A C T I V E  D E S I G N

Week four summary:

Tutorial One;

Today we presented our story boards, we were put with another tutor, ours was Zane and then we were one by one presenting and then the tutor would give us feed back as well as the other students.

Here is my story board;

and my proposal;

DSDN112 Proposal – Project One – Vareek Bhai 300253147

For my project I chose to play and experiment with the visual sense as I thought it was one of my favorite sense and it would be interesting how we perceive our visual experiences differently. Interaction for my contraption will be through a pair of glasses which impair your vision and make you feel the sense of being intoxicated and in a different state of mind as your eyes can not focus and everyday task become impossible to do. Im sure everyone has had that one night where they couldn’t stand up without the support of an wall and the visuals from that night is what I want my user to experience. As they look through the glasses they will see a totally different world as they see everything in a obscured sense and everything is not normal as it should be. From this contraption I want my users to experience a sense of being in a different state as well as having an euphony to relies how important our sight is and without it you can not to every day task, they will be challenged by having to do 3 different activity’s whilst the glasses are on showing how when you are in that state of mind, many easy task are impossible.  I want the effect to be discreet so I will be using glasses that look normal. In a nut shell, you get the effect of being intoxication for free!

Before dimisel we were told to carry on making our projects and remdined that hand in is only two weeks away.
M A K E & M O D I F I Y 

Week Four Summary:

Tutorial One:

Over the weekend I completed my 35 iterations and a few more to catch up to speed and started playing around with rendering the models with planes, textures and lighting. In todays tutorial Sunny and Earl went over lighting and how to create shadows as well as UV map and bitmaps when it comes to rendering. Good detailed information for when we come to rendering our own models. 

Here is my 35+ with some minor rendering;

I dont know why these black boxes appear around the renders but I will google and find out in todays tutorial for thursday. As you can see I was having trouble with lighting as the first images the lighting is in-sufficent so the models are very dull and can hardly see any detail in the model, were as in the last one here I think it works effectively with the white plain and the models in blue, I have applied an ice text which i found on the internet but it seems that 3d studio max only took the colors from it and not the texture itself.  

This is the bitmap I applied on my models, and I think I will be using this on my final as well.

Whilst I have been rendering this 35+ I have been thinking about my layout the whole time, and I think the one I have chosen and used to present in the images above are effective as it expresses at least one of my words being "Oscillating". 

Side by side we can see how I have based my layout from my drawing on my word oscillating. it effectively displays my models and links to my key word. 

D E V L O P M E N T 

To show my development from my last post I have taken a crop from my render from the last line of iterations I have done recently to talk about them briefly and how they express my words. 

Here is my last 8 iterations which I developed over the weeks. As you can see they have change drastically within each iteration, using modifiers such as twist and taper as you can see in the 6th model to the right. I think they all express my words as the models are very compact and detailed through latice and push modifiers in the early stages which makes it look brittle and flakey. I feel that the twist modifier is key for my models as it indicates my word oscillation straight away along with the taper tool as you can imagine how the model has a movement through it oscillation from the bottom moving towards the top as it gets larger.

To specifically choose one which I think is working effectively with my words I would choose model/iteration as to me it screams my words to me! With the taper and twist and shows the oscillating from top to bottom, the split and sharp edges both signify the brittleness and represent the word flake. 

From now until next tutorial I want to have all my iterations finished and ready to render ready to present in a week! 

Friday, 3 August 2012

M A K E & M O D I F I Y

Week Three Summary:

Tutorial Two;

I couldnt make it into class today as I fell ill, but I did  some extra work and have manage to get my iteration count up to 20, I know that Im behind and should have had 35 minimum by today but I have been coming in after hours to work on 104 and also plan to spend a lot og my weekend here.

I have beem enjoying the last iterations I have been producing as i feel that I have really been able to express my three words through my latest models.

- My iteratrions so far;

As you can see, along the way I have been playing with colour for my models effectively thinking about how I might render my model.

My three latest models branching off the three:


I like the asymetry in this model here as its like two forms confomred aroud another, looks effective. Modifiers used consist of twist, symetry, latice, FFD 4x4x4, push, extrude and bend. I think it expreses my words by the lattice modifier giving a brittle look/effect, the long spikes creating a sense of flaking and the twist and turns create a sense of oscillaing movrmrnt through the composition.


I really like this model as I think it linkes directly to my words as the model is slowly creating like a flaking away effect down the model as I have used the edit mesh modifier to split it up and twist each section to create this effect. I created a circular form on the top which the created a oscillating effect down the y-axis as it breaks a part which also links upon the model being brittle as its falling appart in a sense.


I love the twist in this form from the top to the bottom, it works effectively and looks great. I like the coloring how I have had a gradient change from white to black an then back to white. This was 3 balls before I added twist and FFD4x4x4 modifiesrs to alter how the model looked. This shows my words through the lattice and twist expressing the brittle-ness and oscilating movement form top to bottm, works effectively!

After much thought I have decided to choose on of my final three from the three different streams and go down one path using things form the other models which will remain untouched from now. I have chosen this model,

I hope that after many hours I will soon have my 35 iterations rendered and soon after that 60 iterations almost ready for hand as time gets closer and closer.