Tuesday, 1 May 2012


T I M E 

After numerous ideas, thinking 24/7 and research I have come to the conclusion to change my initial idea to a more complex representation of time through humans thought and interaction as well as theory of time.

I did some research on theories of time and the theory that stood out to me the most was Aristotle theory of time using physics. His theory stood out to me as i felt that it was exactly the truth and its is very complexly layered out on paper but when considered through though it feels quite simple and I feel that I have a way that I could express his ideas through photography.

Here are some quotes from his theories which I feel best describe his definition of time:

When, therefore, we perceive the ‘now’ as one, and neither as before and after in a motion nor
as the same element but in relation to a ‘before’ and an ‘after’, no time is thought to have
elapsed, because there has been no motion either. On the other hand, when we do perceive a
‘before’ and an ‘after’, then we say that there is time. For time is just this—number of motion
in respect of ‘before’ and ‘after’. Hence time is not movement, but only movement in so far as
it admits of enumeration. (Phy . 219a 30-219b1)
Just as the change is always other and other, so the time is too, though the whole time in sum is the same.  For the now is the same X, whatever X it may be which makes it what it is; but its being is not the same.  It is the now that measures time, considered as before and after.  The now is in a way the same, and in a way not the same: considered as being at different stages, it is different—that is what it is for it to be a now—but whatever it is that makes it a now is the same.” (219 b9-14)

What Aristotle is expressing in this theory is that the "before" is the past and we know very little about the "after" also known as the future and the present which is now is the same though in respect as our before and after due to the measure of time that occurs now which creates the before and after.

I want to perceive Aristotle's theory of time by taking 8 images of 8 different people but only with their silhouette in the studio room using different lighting effects, as well as that I will get the subjects to write done one thing that they remember from the "before" that they will always remember, one thing they would like to see in the "after" perceiving their future as well as one thought about the present about their status or where they stand at present or "now" because through time and due to Aristotle's theory they will only know as much about their future as their past and present which creates their future.

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