Sunday, 16 September 2012

N A V I G A T I O N  I N T E R F A C E

Week Seven Summary:

Tutorial One:

Today was our first tutorial back from mid-trimester break. We all discussed what we had research and found out in the holidays as well s interfaces which we found interesting and effective for this project. I think the most effective component of this project will be the visual aspects to how the navigation interface is displayed to the user. I think that interfaces using smell and hearing sense will fail dramatically as they will not be sufficient and there are to many aspects that can cause them to fail, such as for the hearing sense noise pollution will make it very difficult to hear what your interface is trying to communicate. On that note I have decided that mine will be based on a visual aspect and from the research I did in the holidays I think that a street view combined with a satellite view will be best to express my interface to get one being from A to a room in the Kelburn campus. It will be easier to use perspective to visual where you are according to surroundings.

After our discusion we were instructed by Zane to head up to Kelbrun to locate different locations to learn the experience and start to think about how our user will be feeling during this experience and how we got around the campus to find the certain buildings and rooms.

We were to locate and find:
1. Hunter 015
2. Murphy 406 (or 404)
3. Criminology Department
4. The School of Music, and find a grand piano.
5. A creche.

We started by leaving the Te Aro campus from the front main entrance and straight up Vivian street, numerous crossings on the way up and I noticed there was a lot of road and foot path traffic, as the streets are wide with lots of recognizable buildings and structures the street view will be very effective to display the path to follow. We headed up towards the Te Puni halls of residence building which over looks the harbor after a long steep hill climb towards the campus. We then spilt up in to groups to venture for the rooms on our owns. As some of the guys I was grouped with knew a few rooms they could easily guide us, we all knew where the Murphy building was located so we all headed there firsts. 

We found these little maps all over the campus which were quite helpful and easy to follow. 

As well as campus maps all over the campus we also found maps on each floor and level displaying each room and how to get there including where you are, simple floor plan maps. 

Once we had found the maps it was easy to work out where the next buildings and rooms were, hunter 015 was a little difficult to find but after working out what the numbers in the code meant (015=ground level) we could go there without getting to lost. 

- Image from the criminology floor

- Image from The School of Music

In conclusion once we had found the maps it was to hard to navigate ourselves around the campus, although it would have been easier if we were given exact directions, which is where our app comes in to play. The rooms were easily found and it was a success.

Going through with this exercise was effective as now we know how it feels to be lost and have no directions and image how our app will help to navigate us around the campus as intended. 

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