Wednesday, 19 September 2012

F A B R I C A T E 

Week Five Summary:

Tutorial Two:

Today was our first tutorial after the hand in and presentations for the first project. We were introduced to project two an went through the brief outline the important dates and hand in. For our second project we are to produce a model solely using the lazer cutter to create a form which represents our final model from our last project. 

Im looking forward to this project as it will be interesting making our model which were in a 2D form and bringing them to life as a 3D form which we create ourselves. 

Some examples of laser cut models I found on the internet:

 This design uses the stack method, cant see how the model is held together but it looks aesthetically pleasing, it is different turning multiple piece  of acrylic into a 3D model
 I like the aesthetics of this model as it is very integrated and complex, major consideration would have been put into how the pieces were put together using the slot method. The male and female slots must all be sized up accordingly perfectly so the pieces fit and stay in due to friction.
To create an effect like this with laser cut acrylic requires work after the pieces have been printed as you cant curve the straight piece which is cut out of the laser printer. The pattern and design is cool but would be a hard model to produce.

Next tutorial Earl is to take us through the section method which could very well be used to create me model to display my form/structure from project one. 

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