Tuesday, 13 March 2012

S P A C E 

Photoshoot One 

My first photoshoot on contact sheet at locations bus stop, bus depo and Waitangi park

Three photos which I felt were my strongest:

I found this strong image strong as the frame is well constructed within the image and focus on the buses which are behind the door and the one door closed emphasis how the busses are contained behind the doors were they are maintained and serviced which is something people don't think about.

The lighting in this image is effective and the use of shutter speed aperture I have added some effective effects and it brings out the graffiti on the wall, one negative about this image is that I think Ive focused to much on the graffiti itself but the perspective from below is effective to show our perspective from the eye of a child or skater using the facilites.
The straight lines shown through the perspective provides an effective frame around the composition, the cones is a strong focal point which was set up by the skaters themselves and the light behind the graffiti wall is effective coming from behind it to provide effective illumination and shutter speed makes the lighting look effective and work well.

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