Monday, 19 March 2012

DSDN 171 - Design Personae

“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist." - Louis Nizer, this quote is from famous lawyer Louis Nizer inspires me as I, Vareek Bhai, believe that during my time studying at Victoria University, I will constantly be shaping myself into an artist. From a young age I have been quite handy with a pencil in my hand and a colorful imagination, drawing all day and night. Perfecting my stick figure people and box houses, I slowly gained a passion for drawing and design. Graphics and Design at High School were always my favorite subjects as they caused my passion to grow stronger. They were always my strongest subjects and I felt that through Design I could express my feelings on editing programs such as AdobePhotoshop and in Graphics I could draw whatever my heart felt. This led me to Victoria University to study a Bachelor of Design Innovation with a Major in Industrial Design as after University, I see myself designing products for consumers to enjoy. I chose Design as I have a passion for it and I love being hands on while still having the opportunity to expressing myself.
I have always found Steve Jobs as an inspiration and looked up to him. Till date, he has improved and designed the most recent and new way for communication and living life, through all of his products. Owning and operating the iPhone and Macbook myself helps me relate to this and, I too hope one day I can provide solutions to people similarly to what Steven Jobs has and to achieve all my goals whilst attending Victoria University, and to make my family proud.

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